Current bad news.


I haven't been keeping this up to date.
I said in my book the finacial system was unstable and not based on anything real. A friend rang me and asked if this was the collapse I'd been predicting. I replied that is was the finacial collapse I'd been predicting but not the infrastucture collapse. That is still a strong posiblility. The change of government both here and the US are good news but the problems are so big and we are so far along the road that collapse may be unstoppable.

The price of oil and military campains are largely to blame for the finacial mess but at least the former has increased work on alternative energy. I'm a little supprised by how low oil went but it won't stay that way. The system is unstable and were likely to see large oscilations in the oil market. When the swings stop oil will be expensive.

About a year ago I discovered Gerald Celente. He is far more informed than us amatuers.
His research centre is well worth a visit - trendsresearch.


There is no lack of bad news on a daily basis, this is just a taste.
The mainstream media often lag a long way behind the alternative online news here.
Also - just because they loose interest in a topic doesn't mean it has gone away.
For example the media lost interest in the honey-bee colony collapse disorder.
It hasn't gone away. This years US almond crops were pollinated but next year's crop is in doubt.

July 08
Not sure whether to call this bad new or not.
Apparently plastic manufactures are going bust due to high oil prices.
Many plastics can be made from vegetable matter but this will put an even bigger strain of farming and food stocks.

June 08

Topsoil loss -

Food crisis.

I'm seeing a few new sites on this every day, I'm only posting a few.

May 08

April 08